What is…

Open your eyes and realize, you are where you’re meant to be. Embrace the flaws in reality, the twist and turns you would have designed differently if you knew they’d provide the scenery for your story, they’re as much a part of you as they are part of who you were. Taste the crumbs that…

The Power of Language

Language is unifying. Whether you believe it or not, language is what allows us to connect and build bonds with people sprinkled through the world. Be it English, Spanish, French, Arabic, Mandarin or anything else in between knowing more then one language allows us to broaden our social circle and spread influence. Having been put…

A Whole New World

It’s been a little bit over a month, a month since I took a 30-hour trip across the world to live on a speck on a map. Joining the Peace Corps was always high on my bucket list. It was an idea I flirted with for a while until finally senior year of college, I…

5 Lessons…

When I was first approached about writing a post geared towards recent college graduates, I hesitated for two reasons. One being the obvious I haven’t graduated yet and haven’t experienced the post graduation rush that happens when we leave the safety net that is school. The second being that since I’m set to graduate soon,…

2015: The Year of Doing

Every year, once the clock strikes 12, my feed turns into a mesh of ‘new year, new me’ post. Everyone devising plans and resolutions that they hope to stick to, yet most end up forgotten before the month is done. See resolutions are a funny thing. They’re not binding and can easily be brushed aside…

Motivational Monday: Your Own Sunshine

We all have those days when nothing seems to go right. When everything we’ve been working on seems to be falling apart instead of into place and it’s easy to be overwhelmed and frustrated by it all. Some days just aren’t our days but that doesn’t mean they don’t have the potential of getting better.…

Motivational Monday: Universal Law

We tend to make ourselves the exception to the rule. We justify our reasoning and logic and believe ourselves to be right although we know in a corner of our minds that we’re not. We argue that when we’re speeding, it’s because everyone else is going too slow and we have somewhere we just have…